Fabulous & Aware!

>> Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's National Breast Cancer Awarness Month! For more than 20 years, NBCAM has been dedicated to increasing awareness of breast cancer issues, and the importance of early detection. NBCAM has evolved along with the national dialogue on breast cancer. Although Doctors, and researchers have made significant strides in raising breast cancer awareness and treating those who suffer from the illness, more needs to be accomplished. In order to remain "Fun, Fly& Fabulous" you need take charge of your breast health, by practicing regular self-breast exams, making sure to schedule an annual mammogram, adhering to prescribed treatment and knowing the facts. If you don't know how to perform a self-breast exam you can learn more at NBCAM.
You can also join in the crusade against Breast Cancer this month by buying PINK. Many retailers are donating the profits from PINK products sold to continue the fight against this disease. Check out a few cool PINK items below.

Splendid Breast Cancer Awareness Tank

Splendid Breast Cancer Awareness Tank


Shelly- Mom Files October 20, 2008 at 9:45 AM  

I LOVE the pink Chi! I will be getting that one when my black ones dies on me.

Fly Girl October 21, 2008 at 7:18 PM  

Make sure you come back and order it here! And be sure to tell your friends about the site. Thanks for stopping by!

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